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При обычном раскладе это бы попало лишь в Q-Links, но сюжет обязывает.
In my finance class however, I would get answers akin to, “The answer is in the book.” And that was that. Naturally I was not happy with the instructor. Yet by the end of the term I realized something odd. Because the prof gave me so little information, I found myself working ten times as hard to learn the material. Whereas when I had the answers spoon-fed to me during accounting, I didn’t really have to put up much of an effort. It then dawned upon me – the less you teach, the more one learns. This of course does not translate to supporting the idea that teachers should be lazy. Giving the student the right lesser amount of information is better than handing over the right more amount of information. Thus I shall end right here.
Блог Джона Маеды, пионера дизайна “от машины”. Еще в лохматых 90-х он делал такую генеративную графику, от которой сегодняшний флеш может спокойно убегать под стол пешком. <p style="text-align:right;font-size:10px;">Technorati Tags: генеративная_графика, дизайн</p>